NPO CONNECT June Meeting – How to Make Virtual Meetings Your Friend!

Online Webinar

Please join us for our monthly NPO CONNECT meeting. We will hear from Jeanne Allen, an expert in nonprofit strategy, innovation, and leadership. This fast-paced, high-impact webinar will cover tips on how to facilitate, organize and structure an effective, and engaging virtual meeting.    REGISTER HERE   LET'S TALK ABOUT:  How to Make Virtual Meetings […]


NPO CONNECT August Meeting: Conduct a Successful Strategic Planning Process in a Post-COVID World

Online Webinar

Register Now! Please join us for our virtual NPO CONNECT August meeting. We will hear from Nonprofit Capacity-Building Expert, Dr. John Curtis. This highly relevant and timely session on strategic planning will cover new ground and provide specific strategies to leverage this era of social isolation.  LET'S TALK ABOUT:  How To Conduct a Successful Strategic Planning Process […]


NPO CONNECT SEPTEMBER MEETING: Developing a High Performance Board of Directors 

Register Now!    Please join us for our virtual NPO CONNECT September meeting. We will hear from Nonprofit Capacity-Building Expert, Dr. John Curtis. This extremely relevant and timely session on developing a high performance Board of Directors will cover new ground and provide specific strategies to leverage during this era of social isolation.   Workshop […]


NPO CONNECT October Meeting: Brand Distillers Marketing Webinar

Register Now!   NPO CONNECT October Meeting: Brand Distillers Marketing Webinar  Let's Talk About: Nonprofit Marketing Strategy Please join us for our October NPO CONNECT meeting! In this webinar, Andy Beedle will focus on current marketing trends and how they apply to nonprofits. The session will touch on branding, social media and other marketing avenues. […]


NPO CONNECT November Meeting: Maximizing Year-End Giving with Donor-Centric Strategies – You Still Have Time!

Online Webinar

NPO CONNECT November Meeting Maximizing Year-End Giving with Donor-Centric Strategies You Still Have Time! Please join us for our virtual NPO CONNECT November meeting. We will hear from Nonprofit Capacity-Building Expert, Dr. John Curtis and digital strategist, Brittany Altman. This extremely relevant and timely session on year-end giving will provide specific strategies to leverage during […]


NPO CONNECT January Meeting: Thoughts on the Planned Giving Environment in 2021 and Beyond!

Online Webinar

NPO CONNECT January Meeting: Thoughts on the Planned Giving Environment in 2021 and Beyond! In this webinar, David will discuss relevant provisions of recent federal legislation and how they might affect nonprofits and donors in 2021 and beyond. He will also discuss which giving vehicles may be more attractive to donors in the current legislative […]

NPO CONNECT FEBRUARY MEETING: Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention

Online Webinar

NPO CONNECT FEBRUARY MEETING: Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention February 9, 2021 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm Please join us for our February NPO CONNECT meeting. This webinar will focus on fraud prevention and best practices for internal controls. Melissa Stanley and Jim Fries with Brown Edwards will lead this presentation and hold a Q&A session […]


NPO CONNECT April Meeting – High Impact Organizational Communication


LET'S TALK ABOUT: High Impact Organizational Communication  Register Now!  Effective communication is the single most important predictor of success for interpersonal relationships on the job. Often, chronic conflict, reduced teamwork, job stress and an overall impaired work culture in any nonprofit can be attributed to poor communication styles among individuals and between groups and departments. […]


NPO CONNECT May Meeting: Developing a Case for Support for Successful Grant Writing


Register Now!  NPO CONNECT May Meeting Developing a Case for Support for Successful Grant Writing Please join Melanie Lambert to learn how to develop and use a concise and engaging case for support to improve the quality of your grant requests and build strong relationships with grantmakers. Do you often feel as though your nonprofit […]

NPO CONNECT June Meeting – Advanced Social Media Tactics – The Spark Mill


NPO CONNECT June Meeting  Advanced Social Media Tactics  Please join Sarah Milston, founder of The Spark Mill, for this exciting training opportunity. The Spark Mill believes that all nonprofits regardless of size can have high functioning and high return social media programs. In this webinar, you will learn how to use the most popular tools, (Facebook, […]